Monday, February 27, 2012

Yummy Fiorgelato Ice Cream!

Tired of Selecta and Nestle ice cream? Try Fiorgelato and you'll surely love the taste. It's summer and we all just love ice cream!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Picture this!

Can you picture this? If you're left-handed, you can see beyond the shapes easily. If you're right-handed, you see only a hodgepodge of disconnected shapes... =)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Keanu Reeves

I just miss this actor! Really! He's one of my favorite. I think this guy has a good heart. Wish to see him in a new movie or even up close and personal.

Pedicab: Let's ride!

I couldn't remember the very first time I rode a pedicab, I think I was still in grade school that time. Anyway, what's with this pedicab that it has become a popular mode of transportation? It's cheaper? Not really. Fare in this cab is a bit more higher than motorcycles, especially in places like Baclaran or Divisoria.

In our province, this is more being patronized than motorcycles for short distance travel. I usually ride on this cab if I'm not in a hurry or when I have to visit a friend who lives in streets where jeepneys could not get through. Although, I prefer riding in a jeepney coz it's faster and much cheaper.

I just hope that the fare on this cab will be regularized/standardized, as more and more cab drivers are taking advantage of their passengers.

Coconut oil: the wonder oil?

Coconut tree is a wonder tree, the tree of life, the most useful tree of all trees and is abundant in our country. I myself, believe in its wonders. You could read a lot about this in the internet and it has been proven in ages. But what I'm going to share are the benefits that I so far experienced. I'm using the extra virgin coconut oil that I bought from Mercury drugstore a month ago.

My hair is thinning, I mean, I get a lot of fallen hair after shower, so I wonder if this oil could help. I tried applying it on my scalp for 24 hours and my hair was so soft the following day after shampoo. I plan  to use it until I see results. According to reviews in the net, it aids in hair regrow and promotes healthy scalp.

I drink it too, at least 2 tablespoons a day. I just couldn't bear the taste taking it alone, so I always mix it with my fave drinks, iced tea, orange juice or even with my coffee. It is beneficial for the skin, it can make your skin glow and lots of other health benefits.

Since, it's been just a month, I can only notice few results. I will update this blog after two or three months.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Russia hopes drop boxes will save newborns

My heart sank when I read this article. How could these women just give their babies like that? For me, I can't bear the thought. But wait, on second thought, I would agree that this is much better than abortion. Especially for those who were sexually abused and got pregnant and those out of poverty, could not support their newly born.

But what about those who gave their babies just because they don't want babies? Heartless women aren't they? Whatever their reasons, it's unforgivable. This is a question of morality or just simply irresponsibility.

Would Pnoy implement this in our country? Abortion cases might be lessen but I guess, more unwanted babies will be given away, as the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer...

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I just love the taste of Naicha!!!

Relationship Advice: Things never to say to your woman (in no particular order)

 As a member of the female gender, we have a thing or two that would sometimes, if not always would turn us from the sweetest girlfriend into an angry birds! So, read on and learn.

1. Negative comment on her outfit

Believe me, she'll be upset. Although, she will smile at your comment. But in time, she will resent it. If you don't like her clothing, suggest something that you think is better instead of criticizing what she's wearing.

2. Keep looking on hot chicks while you're with her

It would be fun at the start but in the long term, it's kinda annoying for us. So, if you pass by a hot chick while touring the mall, don't look back or have a second look. Look to your girl instead and smile at her if she caught you looking at someone else.

3. Can you prepare something to eat?

If you're hungry, go find something to eat by yourself. Don't ask your woman. But if you did and she made you one, (because she's hungry too!) be prepared to wash the dishes anytime she asks or take out the trash.

4. Don't be too bossy

Gone are the days when a woman will always bow to her man. We respect you, that's why we follow your orders or rules but not all the time. So, don't get mad or upset if we don't because we know what's not and what's hot.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Most Desirable Woman of 2012

 When it comes to "desirability," Sofia Vergara proves that age is just a number.

So true, there's a lot of beautiful women out there and even I couldn't seem to keep my eyes off them when I see one walking in the mall on high profiled places like McKinley Hill.

But for me, still beauty is skin deep. To be truly beautiful, you must have a kind heart. Beauty fades but a good heart, never.