Friday, November 25, 2011

Product review: Mosbeau (WHITE)

I'm no Lady Gaga, but sometimes I go Gaga with new products claiming it can really whiten your skin!

With the millions of whitening products in the market, I bought this one. Simply because, it was offered by my officemate whose skin is so white and porcelain-like. She told me she uses this product to maintain the flawlessness of her skin. Take note of the word "maintain".

And so, I started using this cream. I used it on my face, because I want my freckles to lighten or fade or just vanish (although I know freckles do not simply vanish!).

In just a few days of using this product, the whitening effect is noticeable in my face. My friends always comment and ask what product I'm using. I told them it's Mosbeau and it's around 900 pesos. They say it's expensive and will not afford to buy it. Hahaha!

But the downside of this product? You have to keep using it to maintain the "white effect".

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