Monday, November 28, 2011

Soy Sauce: Cancer-causing?

Just today, ABS-CBN's TV patrol reported that this highly-consumed and almost indispensable product is cancer-causing.

We've been using this product for decades and they reported it just now? How can I enjoy my "Bisayang adobo" without a soy sauce? or my favorite dimsum, "Henlin's siomai"? Blame it again to Chinese who loves manufacturing cheap products that contain hazardous ingredients. Like their milk products with Melamine. What else? Toys with high lead content, etc. etc. etc.

TV patrol has not disclosed yet the two top brands of soy sauce currently being tested if it contain high levels of 3-MCDP and 1,3-DCP. But who would not guess? I'm sure it's not Silver Swan or Datu Puti!

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