Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Porterhouse and T-bone Steak at Rap's Steak Haus and Cakes, Malate

Last July 26, 2011, Monday, a day after my birthday, I received an email from Tody. He said "Steak tayo". I didn't think twice, I said, "Yes, why not".

We met in LRT, Taft. I was an hour late due to my work sked which I didn't tell Tody in advance that I am to leave the office a little late than usual. We are supposed to meet there at 6:30pm but I arrived at 7:30pm. Of course, I need to go back to my apartment to change my outfit. I always wanted to wear something special when I'm with him whatever the occasion especially it's my post birthday celebration.

After a few minutes spent in the train, we arrived in Vito Cruz. A little crowded with a few students from La Salle, we found our way to Rap's Steak house. The resto's ambiance is simple, the tables and chairs seemed old, kinda overused. Most of the customers were students or office employees around the area.

We took our seat, I preferred to be seated near an aircon or a fan. I just don't want to get sweaty while eating. Just want to be comfortable so I would enjoy my meal. The waiter came over our table and asked for our order. I let Tody order for us, he knows which steak is better. So, he ordered Porterhouse Steak, medium rare!

After almost 15 minutes, finally our orders were served! I was surprised. I thought the steak's size would only be a little slice like Salisbury steak in Red Ribbon. This was my first time to eat at a steak house that serves really good steak that will satisfy your palate at a very affordable price!

Product Review: St Ives Collagen Elastin Facial Moisturizer

St Ives has been delivering amazing products in the market and I can attest that theirs are the best.

As i'm a confessed coffee addict, i too, is a moisturizer addict! Not that I'm afraid of wrinkles, but I would like to keep my skin supple and smooth to touch.

I tried this product for a couple of days and it really retains my skin's moisture. But still, I have to put on my usual face powder for a shine-free nose and forehead. I have an oily t-zone. My skin is the combination type.

Unfortunately, after a week, I had breakouts. Had to stop using this product and switch back to my old moisturizer brand. Although, I love the moisturizing effect that I get from this product, I think it's not compatible to my skin type.

But of course, i am not yet discouraged to use other St Ives product! As a matter of fact, I just bought St. Ives Moisturizing Olive Cleanser. I'll post my review about it in a couple of weeks...Cheers!!!

Coffee anyone?

It's hard to resist the urge of wanting to drink coffee, especially if you're working on a night shift. The aroma is so tempting and how could I not be tempted? Almost every corner in our workplace has a coffee-vending machine! For only 8 pesos, you can sip a full cup of coffee of your favorite flavor.

Cappuccino is my favorite! Its creamy and frothy mixture is so appealing to my palate and right now while writing this blog, I'm sipping a cup of Cappucino!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Soy Sauce: Cancer-causing?

Just today, ABS-CBN's TV patrol reported that this highly-consumed and almost indispensable product is cancer-causing.

We've been using this product for decades and they reported it just now? How can I enjoy my "Bisayang adobo" without a soy sauce? or my favorite dimsum, "Henlin's siomai"? Blame it again to Chinese who loves manufacturing cheap products that contain hazardous ingredients. Like their milk products with Melamine. What else? Toys with high lead content, etc. etc. etc.

TV patrol has not disclosed yet the two top brands of soy sauce currently being tested if it contain high levels of 3-MCDP and 1,3-DCP. But who would not guess? I'm sure it's not Silver Swan or Datu Puti!

Product Review: Anti-Perspirant

Oh no! My underarm is wet and I can't help it!

Do you have that problem? Sweaty underarms and worst, it smells like onions. Although, you are not from India or Middle East and doesn't consume onions ever so often like Bombays do?

Worry no more, this is the best product so far to solve or at least minimize that sweaty armpit problem.

I use this product to help repress and control my underarm sweat. Yeah, I really sweat a lot, even if I'm working in an air-conditioned workplace Especially when I'm tensed or under stress or if my crush passes by (of course sans the onion smell thing!).

That's why I so love this product from Dr. Nisce, Skin 'N Face!

But be aware, this product may not be advisable to everyone. Best to consult your dermatologist first like I did.

KC - Piolo Break-up...Break it to me gently...

A little on the showbiz this time. Very hot item in the news especially at the recent break-up of a famous singer-actor with a famous singer-actress. None other than Piolo Pascual and KC Concepcion!

I feel for KC, if she did listen to Piolo's detractors before, she should have saved herself from a heartbreak now. A gay is a gay! No one can transform him to become a true man, not even Our Almighty, but himself alone! Sad truth for those who are still holding onto that kind of relationship. Just let go and find your own happiness.

Good thing KC has the courage now to let go. In time she'll heal and find the right man for her.

Damn! She's wasted a year with a gay heartbreaker who only wants a niner! Oooppps!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Product review: Mosbeau (WHITE)

I'm no Lady Gaga, but sometimes I go Gaga with new products claiming it can really whiten your skin!

With the millions of whitening products in the market, I bought this one. Simply because, it was offered by my officemate whose skin is so white and porcelain-like. She told me she uses this product to maintain the flawlessness of her skin. Take note of the word "maintain".

And so, I started using this cream. I used it on my face, because I want my freckles to lighten or fade or just vanish (although I know freckles do not simply vanish!).

In just a few days of using this product, the whitening effect is noticeable in my face. My friends always comment and ask what product I'm using. I told them it's Mosbeau and it's around 900 pesos. They say it's expensive and will not afford to buy it. Hahaha!

But the downside of this product? You have to keep using it to maintain the "white effect".

Relationship Advice 1000: A flirt. Are you?

If you are in a relationship, is flirting with others still appropriate?

Flirting is normal. It can happen anytime or anywhere, to anyone. But when you are in a relationship, you should know where to draw the line, so as not to give wrong message to other people.

Flirting usually occurs in the workplace, where we meet different people everyday. Giving a smile to an officemate whom you know has a crush on you is okay, you'll make that person feel good about himself. But that just it. No more, no less. If he'll ask me out for dinner, even though he knows that I'm already in a relationship with someone, I won't give in.

I'm happy with my relationship right now that I won't cross the line of flirting (Smile to that!).

Furthermore, flirting is a polite way of affirming that the other person is attractive without necessarily implying that you're attracted to him/her.

For the singles out there, you can flirt all you can, but be cautious. You might be sending messages to others that can be hurtful to them if you're not trying to indicate that you want a relationship with them.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fashion for Less at MINT

Two weeks ago,Tody and I went shopping at MOA, but a week before that, we already set our mind into buying clothes at Terranova, which is a bit pricey!

When we came across this Mint store, most of their displays were on sale. So, what the heck, we are here to shop and find the best finds our money could buy! We grabbed some pieces and tried them on.

These two pairs fit really well on Tody! In no less than an hour, we are out of the store with a smile on our faces.

Oh, by the way, I bought a dress from that store too! I'll post it soon.

Plug it on!

There are nights that I really can't sleep! No, I don't want to drink liquor or take any sleeping pills just to doze off. So, it was heaven-sent when I got this stuff.

One of my officemates told me that her husband uses earplugs while working as a bartender in a bar. Need no explanation here, right? Right away, I went to ACE Hardware and bought one.

Well, you could imagine how I slept well from then on...and sometimes you'll really hear nothing, like really nothing at all! zzzz...