Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Bohol Adventure

It was January 12, 2010, our next stop, Panglao, Bohol.

The weather is gloomy and a little rainfall while we tour the island.

The island is very peaceful. The water is so calm as I watch the sun rises in the early morning of January 13th.. The Boholanos are so warm. They even helped me when I got stung by a black sea urchin while swimming. I was in panic that I didn't go back in the water because my left foot felt numbed (Sigh).

Good thing, I have my DSLR camera, I still enjoyed the view while photographing myself with the help of my tripod!

One and a half day of stay was not enough to tour and explore the island. Wish I could go back to this beautiful place one of these days... c",)

Oh by the way, my boyfriend is a Boholano! =)

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