Friday, December 9, 2011

Photography, my hobby. What's yours?

Aside from reading novels and self-help books, writing poems and blogs, facebooking, drop-dead internet browsing, and window shopping (or mall touring according to my boyfriend!), I engage myself in photography. Though, I'm not yet a pro, not yet...

Sometimes, I go to different places alone to explore, and capture it's beauty. These are also the times, that I could get in touch with my inner self, soul-searching and at the same time, allowing myself to be spontaneous and creative. There maybe a lot of rules in photography, but sometimes breaking them could result to a more dramatic photos. A photo with a story, with a soul. Of course, I let my photos be criticized, so I could improve more on my next shots. My boyfriend is my number one critic, and I take it whether positive or negative, 'coz it really helps.

How about you? How do you spend your leisure time or alone time?

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