Friday, December 16, 2011

Hatag ug Wish (Make a Wish). It's Misa de Gallo!

It was 4am when I turned off my alarm clock. December 16, it's the start of "misa de gallo". These 9-day midnight mass has been a custom for us Pinoys and to other countries. But what's really with this mass that many of us sacrifice to wake up as early as 3am to go to the nearest church.

Was it just a hearsay that, if you completed the 9-day midnight mass, your wish will come true? That's great! Right? So, I should make a wish now (in Bisaya, "hatag ug wish").

Back in December 2009, it was my first time to complete this 9-day midnight mass. Honestly, I did not make any wish. I just tried if I can make it to the 9th day and amazingly I did. I couldn't believed it myself actually. Because I'm not even a regular Sunday church goer or do I pray regularly or even read the Bible. During the 9-day mass, I just pray for "happiness" for my family, friends, and to my self. Amazingly true, on 2010, more happiness came to my family, friends and of course to me!

Now, I'm back hearing mass at 4:15 in the cold morning. Praying for more happiness again! Because I believe that if you ask, it will be given to you; if you seek, you will find and if you knock, it will be opened to you (Mathew 7:7).

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