Thursday, December 22, 2011

Seriously? Here's Serious Mass

Are you serious of making your body muscles big? Really? Why?

Well, I admire those men, who go to the gym everyday and work their body to gain muscles at the right places. Isn't that sexy? This is no kidding. It really is a hard work. But once achieved, men gain not just muscles and sexy bod, it adds up confidence too!

And most of the time, it gets on their head and flaunt it. That's why there are a lot more half naked men in the beach than women (especially here in our country). Women, on the other hand spend less time in the gym. Why? Lots of reasons why. Well, if you're not an actress or a model, you are not likely too conscious of your bod. And if already married, life is more busier because of the kids and work. For the single ladies, fad dieting is preferred.

Oh well, whatever your lifestyle is, keeping your body healthy is the most precious gift you can give yourself and to your loved one.

By the way, I highly recommend this protein drink because of its high protein content and my boyfriend is a fan.

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