Thursday, December 15, 2011

Relationship Advice 1004: Chemistry vs. Compatibility

Sometimes, I can't explain why, when he'd put his arm around me, it just worked. And when we finally kissed, I couldn't believe how right it felt. Is that chemistry? How about compatibility? Likes and dislikes?

This a very broad topic, I think. But hey, I just wanna share my opinions based on my own experiences.

They say opposites attract. Really? At first maybe, you'll experience the excitement of having a partner whose ideas and hobbies are different from yours. But how long will the excitement lasts? Two months, three months?  How about having a partner who has the same ideas and qualities as you? IMO, I find that boring enough and I honestly won't stay in a relationship with someone so identical to me. No challenge!

You know what? They say find someone who is your complement. Someone who has the qualities you don't have, but admire. I agree on that. Because qualities makes a person. Well, my current boyfriend can keep a conversation going, his views and opinions on anything are so vast, his sense of humor and his level of intellect, aside from his being generous, forgiving, compassionate and a great cook are all keeping me interested. Of course, we have differences. But we were able to sort it out.

But then again, the success of any relationship do not depend solely in chemistry and compatibility. It is how two people involved would work it out.

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